
Hi boys and girls ,welcome to my blog, here you'll find the summaries of our classes, and many things more. I hope you find it useful.
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martes, 22 de enero de 2013

The body

In our last class we have been talking about the parst of the body and some of you  told me to show you some pictures of the body parts because you find it an easier way to remember them so here you are some pictures I get on the Internet web, I hope you find them useful. And also some vocabulary.

En nuestra última clase hemos estado hablando de las partes del cuerpo y alguno de vosotros me pidió que os mostrara fotos de ellas porque lo encontráis mas fácil para recordar las palabras , aquí os dejo algunas que he obtenido de Internet, espero que os sean de utilidad.

PARTS THE BODY [parts of de bodi] partes del cuerpo

ANKLE [ancol]- tobillo
ARM [a:]-brazo
BACK [baek]-espalda
BACKSIDE  [backsaid]-trasero, culo
BUTTOCKS [batacs]-nalgas
CALF [caf]- pantorrilla
CHEEK [chi:k]- mejilla
CHEST [chest]- pecho
CHIN –barbilla
EAR [ia]- oreja
ELBOW [elbow]- codo
EYE [ai]-ojo
EYEBROW [aibrau]
EYELASH [ailash]
FEET [fi:t]- pies
FINGER [finga]- dedo de la mano
FIST [fist] - puño
FOOT [fut]- pie
FOREHEAD [foahed]- frente
FRECKLES [friquels]- pecas
HAIR [jear]- pelo
HAND [jaend]- mano
HEAD [hed]- cabeza
HEEL [jil] - talon
HIP [jip]- cadera
JAW [jou]- mandibula
KNEE [ni:]- rodilla
LEG -pierna
LIP -labio
MOUTH [mauz]-boca
NAIL [neil]- uña
NECK [nec]- cuello
NOSE [naus]-nariz
SHOULDER [chulda] - hombro
STOMACH [estomac] - estomago
TEETH [tiz]- dientes
THIGH [taig] - muslo
THUMB [zamb] - pulgar
TOE [tou]- dedo del pie
TONGUE [tang ]- lengua
TOOTH [tuz] - diente
WAIST [gueist]- cintura
WRIST [rist]- muñeca

FINGERS [fingers]- dedos de la mano
RING [ring]-anular
MIDDLE [mídel]- Corazon
INDEX [índecs]- indice
PINKY [ pinqui]- meñique
THUMB [zam]- pulgar

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