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miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016

Colours in English

A la hora de hablar de los colores en ingles nos podemos encontrar  con una gran variedad de colores ya que  hay tantos colores como matices, cosas , y también desde el punto de vista de cada persona un mismo color puede  verse de diferentes formas. Por todo esto me he atrevido a hacer este articulo en el que he intentado recopilar toda la variedad de colores posibles . Espero que sea de vuestro agrado y a la vez le encontráis la utilidad y así podáis darle color a la vida !!!

Word order with colours/ Orden de los colores
Hay tres formas en las cuales puedes usar un color en una oración para describir algo

  1. 1. To Be + Colour. e.g. My car is blue. My dad's car is red.
  2. 2. Colour + Noun. e.g. The blue car is mine. The red car is my dad's.
  3. 3. Colour is the Noun. e.g. Blue is the colour of my car. Red is the colour of my dad's car.

Light - Dark - Bright -Shades
Los colores tienen diferentes sombras , matices o intensidades que en ingles se pueden expresar de diferentes maneras: dark green, light green, bright green
Light (claro) es el contrario de  Dark (oscuro).     
Pale (palido) is the opposite of deep (profundo, intenso)         
Bright:  brillante , color fuerte fácil de ver.
  • Helen has  got dark green eyes.-Helen  tiene los ojos verde oscuro.
  • His light grey hair made him look very distinguished. Su cabello gris claro le hace parecer muy distinguido.
  • Her bright pink dress  is very expensive.Su vetido rosa brillante  es muy caro.
Los adjetivos light, dark y bright se colocan delante del sustantivo o nombre al que acompañan como cualquier otra adjetivo.
Colours +   suffix-ISH

Cuando no estes seguro de como describir un color puedes utilizar el sufijo -ish que los hablantes nativos ingleses utilizan muy a menudo. Por ejemplo un color puede ser: purplish, reddish, bluish, Greenish (= aproximando se al verde pero no exactamente verde).Por ejemplo cuando decimos “brownish”,  hacemos referencia a una clase de marron aunque no a un marron definido.

  • The sunset is a beautiful pinkish-purplish colour today.
  • His blouse is lightish blue in colour.
·         • She has brownish-green eyes
·         • Philip has reddish-brown hair.

Si te gustan los colores  y te entretiene aprender mas colores  en ingles aquí te dejo un listado de colores muy variado pues como dice un famoso refran "Para gustos colores" For example:
shell pink, navy blue, salmon

Typical things of each Colour
La siguiente lista recopila cosas que  suelen estar asociada a cada color:
Red: Strawberry, Rose, Fire engine, Blood, Heart
Orange: Pumpkin, Carrot, Basketball
Yellow: Cheese, Sun, Butter, Lemon
Green: Grass, Lettuce, Frog, Leaf, Lizard
Blue: Sky, Ocean, Blueberry, Whale
Black: Bat, Night, Tire (tyre), Fly
White: Paper, Sugar, Milk, Snow, Sheep
Pink: Pig, Tongue, Cotton candy (Candy floss)
Brown: Wood, Cigar, Earth, Acorn, Horse
Grey / Gray: Rock, Lead, Dust, Mouse, Elephant
Purple: Bruise, Grapes

Adjetivos y sustantivos que generalmente se usan para describrir los colores es decir sinónimos o palabras relacionadas con los colores

Light pale in colour, not dark. (claro)
Clear- claro
Clean clean smells , tastes and colours are light and fresh. (limpio)
Delicate: a delicate taste, smell or colour is pleasant and not too strong.(delicado)
Pure a pure sound, colour, light etc is very clear and beautiful.(puro)
Mellow: soft and warm in colour.(suave)
Watery: pale and strong. (aguado)

Bright :bright colours are strong but not dark. Brillante
Ablaze: bright and full of light or colour (brillante)
Bold: very bright , clear or strong in colour and therefore easy to notice. (intenso , llamtivo)
Brash: big, bright, or colourful in a way that is not attractive. (atrevido)
Brilliant: brillante
Festive: Bright and colourful in a way that makes you think of a celebration. (festivo)
Fiery: very bright in colour, especially bright red, orange or yellow (literary) (intenso, fogoso)
Flamboyant: brightly coloured or decorated.(llamativo, extravagante)
Flaming: brightly coloured red, orange or yellow.(llameante, ardiente)
Fluorescent: very bright and seems to be reflect ligth (fluorescente)
Gay: brightly- coloured or attractive ( old fashioned) (alegre , vistoso)
Glowing: Glowing colours are bright and look warm. (brillante, encedido)
 Harsh: not pleasant because they are  very bright (penetrante, estridente)
Jazzy bright colourful nad attractive (informal) (llamativo, chillon)
Loud very bright in a way that doesn`t show good taste. (alto)
Twinkling: centelleante
Psychedelic: psychedelic clothes, desings are very brightly coloured and have big unusual patterns.(sicodelico)
Showy brightly coloured and attractive (ostentoso, llamativo)
shimmering: reluciente
Vibrant: brigt and colourful. (vibrante)
Violent: very bright and almost painful to look at.(violento)
Vivid bright and string. (vivido, alegre)

Pale- pálido
Bleached: made very pale by chemicals or strong sunlight.(blanqueado)
dull: mate, opaco, sin brillo (apagado)
Drab:  apagado, monotono (apagado)
Soft: a soft light or colour is pale, gentle and pleasant to look at.(suave)
Muted not as bright or colorful as usual. (apagado, tenue)
Neutral : not very strong or bright. (neutral)
Monochrome: not brightly coloured and usually grey in colour. Able to show or produce only black , white and grey. (momocromatico)
Restrained: not too bright in colour or not decorated too much. (contenido, refrenado)
Sickly: a sickly colour   is so pale that it looks unpleasant .(palido, enfermizo)
Sober: plain and not brightly colored .(sobrio, serio)
Pastel: Having a pale soft colour.

Dark: strong and not pale in colour.Oscuro
 Deep: dark and strong. (profundo)
Sombre: dark in colour, specially grey or black. (sombrio)
Opaque: dull, dark-opaco (opaco)
Rich a rich color, sound or smell is strong in a pleasant way. (rico)

Colourful something that is colourful has bright colours or a lot of different colours
Bicolor: bicolor 
Chintzy: too colourful and in poor taste (floreado, recargado)
Coloured :red, green, orange instead of black and white or transparent. (colorido)
Iridescent : showing changing colours in different types of light (Irisado)
Multicolored consisting of several different  colours. (Multicolor)
Rainbow: arco iris
Opalescent seems always to be changing colour slightly
Two-tone:: two-toe shoes or clothes have two colours (informal old fashioned) (con dos tonos)

Colourless : without  colour - sin color
Glassy: like a glass-(cristalino)
Discoloured: it  has changed in colour and no longer looks, new, clean  or healthy (descolorido)
Crystalline: transparent (cristalino)
Translucent: very pale or light. (Traslucido)
 washed-out: washed-out clothes have lost a lot of their colour because they have been washed so often.(lavado, descolorido)

Cold: colours such as white, blue, and grey that make you think of things that are cold. -Frio
Cool: cool colours such as white and blue, give an idea of cold instead of heat. (Fresco)
Medium: neither light nor dark in colour.

Brindle: manchado
Dotted: punteado
Evergreen: perenne, clasico
Dappled: covered with or foring areas of lighter and darker colour or light and shadow (con lunares moteado)
Harmonious: harmonious colours or parts combine well with each other.(harmonioso)
Color-coded: marked with different colour to make it easy to see different features or uses.(codificado por colores)
Monotone: all the same shade of that colour.(monotono)
Tinted: containing  a small amount of a aprticular colour.(tintado)
Tonal: relating to the tone of something, especially a colour or sound.(tonal)
Fast : Colours that are fast will not become paler when clothes are washed. (rapido, sensible)
Fresh colours with give the impression of something fresh.(fresco)
Matching with some colour, pattern or design (que combina)
Smoky: ahumado
Tinged something  that is tinged with a colour, feeling, or quantity contains a small amount of it.(teñido)
Polka-doted: paterned with spots (a lunares)
Warm : warm colours have red, orange, or yellow in them. (calido)
Descriptive words /adjetives for colour pink
Pink: rosa
Rose: rosa
Salmon: warm pink in colour- salmon
Strawberry: fresa

 Adjectives and  Descriptive words for color RED

Carmine: dark red in colour -carmin
Cerise: cherry-red color- cereza
Coral: reddish-pink colour- coral
Currant: berry ,pasa de Corinto-Grosella
Claret: dark red colour- burdeos
Carnelian: red quartz cornalina
Copper: red-brown metal-cobrizo
Cordovan: dark red-brown - cuero
Crimson: deep red- carmesi
Dive : Diva
Flushed: red- colorado
Fuchsia: magenta colour-fucsia
Garnet: dark red gemstone-granate,
Magenta: reddish-purple colour, magenta.
Maroon: burgundy colour- bermellon
Poppy: amapola
Raspberry: deep red-frambuesa
Ruddy: reddish,rosy-rubicundo, rojizo.
Rust: reddish-brown in colour- teja
Ruby: red gemstone-rubí
Scarlet: bright red colour-escarlata, rojo
Tomato: tomate
Vermillion :bright red, scarlet-vermellon
Wine: dark red- vino

 Adjectives and Descriptive words for Blue.

Aqua/ aquamarine: plale greenish-blue colour-:-guamarina, azul verdoso
Azure : sky blue- celeste
Cerulean:sky-blue colour- cerúleo.
Cyan: aqua, turquoise colour- turquesa, azul verdoso
Dark blue: azul oscuro
Delft: azul porcelana
Indigo: dark blue colour- índigo , añil,azulete.
Lake: lago navy: dark blue- azul marino
Light blue : azul claro
Navy: marino
Peacock-pavo real
Royal; real, bright blue- azul Francia, rey
Sapphire: deep blue in colour- azul zafiro
Sky blue: light blue- azul cielo
Steel : dark metallic colour- acero
Turquoise blue-green in colour- turquesa
Ultramarine: bright blue in colour- azul ultramarino.
 Violet: purple- violeta

Adjectives  and Descriptive words for Yellow.

Amber: yellow in colour-:ambar
Beige: pale-brown colour- beis
Bistre : bistre (yellowish-brown pigment)
Blonde: rubio
Brass: coppery. Yellow- cobrizo, amarillo 
Buff: tan colour- beis
Buttercup :bright yellow wildflower-ranunculo.
Butterscotch: toffee-.caramelo
Canary: amarillo canario
Chartreuse : yellowish-green,verde
Citrine: yellowish gemstone- cuarzo
Citron: greenish-yellow colour: Amarillo verdoso
Cobalt: amarillo / azul cobalto
Gold: color oro
Goldenrod: golden-yellow colour- amarillo dorado
Lemon: yellow. Amarillo limón yellow: amarillo
Lime: acid green in colour- lima 
Maize: maiz
Mustard: mostaza
Ocher: yellowish-brown in colour- ocre
Ochre yellowish-brown in colour- ocre
Primrose: yellow-primula
Saffron: yelow-orange colour- azafran
Straw: paja
Topaz: topacio

Adjectives and  Descriptive words for Orange.

Flesh: peachy in colour- carne
Henna: reddish-orange-henna
Apricot: orange-pink in colour- albaricoque
Peach: melocoton
Persimmon: caqui
Tangerine: mandarina

 Adjectives and descriptive words for Green

Apple: manzana
Avocado: yellowish-green; aguacate 
Celery: apio
Chartreuse: yellowish-green; verde amarillento
Dark green: verde oscuro
Emerald:green gemstone; esmeralda
Light green:  verde claro
Lime- lima
Mint-verde menta
Mushy: pasteloso, suave.
Olive: dull green - verde oliva
Spruce: abeto
Teal: greenish-blue colour;verde azulado

Descriptive words / Adjectives for White.

Cloudy:cremoso, blanquecino
Ivory: off-white in colour- marfil
Marble: marmol
Milky: lechoso
Orchid: orquídea
Pearl: perla
pearly: nacarado
Platinum: platino
Porcelain: porcelana
Snow: nieve
Snowy: blanco-nevado (beard,hair)

 Adjectives and Descriptive words  for Purple.

Amethyst: purple  gemstone-amatista
Burgundy: reddish; color borgoña, bermellon.
Lavender:bluish purple in colour;lavanda
Lilac:light purple-lila
Mauve: pale blue-purple in colour ; malva
Mulberry : morera
Orchid: orquidea
Pansy: pensamiento
Plum: purple in colour; ciruela
Puce: dark purple; morado
Purple- bermellón
Violet-purple; violeta

 Adjectives  and Descriptive words for Black

Charcoal :carbon
Chicory: achicoria, endivia
Ebony: black- ébano
Jet: black- azabache
Licorice: regaliz
Obsidian: black-obsidiana
Slate: pizarra
Sooty: dark black- negro hollin 
Tar: Alquitran

Adjective and descriptive words for Grey

Ashen: cenizo
Dove: paloma
Grizzly: grey haired- canoso, gris

Adjectives and descriptive words for Brown

Amber: ambar
Bay: reddish-brown, castaño rojizo (Hair)
Beige: beige
Brandy: brandy
Bronze: bronce
Cream: cream-coloured- crema
Chestnut: reddish brown-castaño
chocolate: Bronw- chocolate
 Almond: almendra
Cinnamon: canela
Coffee: cafe
Copper: cobre
Dun: greyish-brown colour- pardo
Earth: tierra
Ginger: gengibre
Hazel: green-brown, avellana
Khaki: greenish brown colur- kaki
Mahogany: dark wood-caoba
Mousy: (hair light-brown) castaño claro
Nutmeg: nuez moscada
Rotten: pasado , podrido.
Sable: dark brown or black-sable
Sepia : sepia photographs are old and are a red- brown coloured.
Sienna: brown colour- siena
Tan: light brown- tostado
Tawny:  yellowish-brown. Rubio oscuro, leonado.
Umber: brown in colour- ocre oscuro.
Walnut:  nogal

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