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jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Conditional Sentences- Exercises

Today’s lesson (3rd May 2012) presents the Conditional Sentences
Se utiliza para expresar situaciones que pensamos que son reales, o posibles.
If you come with us, you will hava a good time
Si vienes con nosotros lo passaras bien.
Recuerda que puedes usar UNLESS (=if not) en vez de if + el verbo en negativo
I won’t watch TV unless there’s something interesting.
I won’t watch TV if there isn’t anything interesting
No veré la television a menos que haya  algo interesante.
No veré la television si no hay algo interesante.

If you change queues in a supermarket, what will happen? The queue you were in before will move quickly. You know what will happen, because there’s a law of life that says “If something bad can happen, it will happen” .it’s called Murphy’s Law,and it took its name from Captain edward Murphy, an American aeroplane engeneer from the 1940s who was investigating why aeroplanes crashed, and not surprisingly, he got a reputation for always thinking of the first thing that can happen.
Now think about how to end these  sentences according to Murphy’s Law.
At home
If you wash your car, … it will rain.
If you look for something you have lost,  you won’t find it.// you’ll find it in the last place you look
Social life
If you wear something white, you’ll get dirty // you’ll spill wine/chocolate/coffee on it.
If someone near you is smoking, the smoke will always go directly towards you.
If you find something in a shop that you really like, I’ ll buy it // they won’t have it in our size.
If you take something that it doesn’t work back to the shop, it’ll start working there.
If you stop waiting for the bus and start walking, the bus will come.
If yhou gett to the station and a train is  just leaving, it’ ll be your train.
Aqui te dejo algunas mas para que las acabes, recuerda debes usar la 1ª condicional
1-      If you throw something away, …
2-      If you are single and you meet somebody you really like, …
3-      If you park a long way from you’re going ,…
4-      If your baby goes to sleep late,
5-      If you’re driving somewhere and you’re in a hurry ,…
6-      If you arrive very early to catch the plane, …
7-      If you get late to work ,…
8-      If you leave your mobile phone at home, …
9-      If you push a door, …
10-   If you fall in love, …

Este tipo se usa para hablar de hipotesis, situaciones posibles pero poco problables.

If I won the lottery, we would buy a bigger  house.
Si nos tocara la loteria, nos comprariamos una casa mas grande.
Para expresar situaciones hipoteticas o imaginarias.
If she had a milllion dollars, she would travel around the world.
Si ella tuviera un millon de dolares, viajaria alrededor del mundo.

Recuerda que se puede usar were  con la primera y tercera persona del singular del verbo to be:
If I were/was alone, i’d be sad.
Si estuviera solo, estaria triste.
Sin embargo la expresion IF I WERE YOU (si fuese tu) no puede sustituirse were por was.
If I were you,  I wouldn’t drive so fast.
Aquí tienes este ejercicio para que practiques este tipo de oraciones:

What woud you do …? (¿Qué harias …?)

1-      If there was a mouse in your bedroon…
2-      If you were dirving and a bee or wasp came into your car …
3-      If you saw a spider in the bath…
4-      If you were on a beach that was famous for shark attacks…
5-      If wsomeone offered to buy you a fur coat…
6-      If you went to you friend’s house for dinner and they gave you horse meat…
7-      If your neighbour’s dog barked all night…
8-      If a friend asked you to look after their car or dog…

THIRD CONDITIONAL: PAST PERFECT (Had + participio de pasado), WOULD HAVE + Participio de pasado.
Se utiliza para expresar expresiones pasadas que no ocurrieron.

If i hadn’t spent so much money, we would have saved up.
Si no hubieramos gastado tanto dinero podriamos haber ahorrado.
Aqui teneis algunas frases para que las acabeis usado el tercer condicional.

1-      If I hadn’t overslept,…
2-      If you hadn’t been my friend, …
3-      If I hadn’t planted the seed, …
4-      If I  hadn’t learnt to swim when I was young, I wouldn’t have been able to teach other children.
5-      If I hadn’t climbed so high, …
6-      If I had thrown the stone faarther, …
7-      If she had noticed we were hidden, she wouldn’t have gone to look for us.
8-      If I had known my great.grandfather,…
9-      If Christopher columbus hadn’t discovered America, …
10-   If I had caught a bigger fish, I …
11-   If my mates hadn’t betrayed me, …
12-   If I hadn’t studied hard at school, …
13-   If I has filled the tank, …
14-   If I had trained hard, …
15-   If my father had been a punk, ..if there hadn’t been a blackout, …
16-   If  I had been born a talented tennis player, ….
17-   If we had heard the weather forecast…
La próxima semana veremos las posibles respuestas a estos ejercicios, y ahora a trabajar.

SEE  YOU !!!

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